
Helisika Helicopters has been assisting the Forestry industry for over 40 years and we have partnered with the largest forestry companies, to smallest privately owned blocks, and during this time we have ensured to complete work at a high standard and exceed client expectations.

We offer a variety of aerial forestry services thanks to easily reconfigured aircraft and equipment which allows us to find a solution that works for the client. 

Aerial Forestry Services we offer:

Forestry Spraying
  • Wilding Pine Spraying
  • Fungicide Spraying 
  • Holding Spraying
  • Pre-Plant Spraying
  • Desiccation Spraying
  • Release Spraying
  • Spot Spraying

Forestry Topdressing

  • Oversow Seeding
  • Fertiliser Application
  • Lime Application
  • Baiting

Other Forestry Services

  • Aerial Surveying
  • Aerial Transport of Trees
  • GPS accurate mapping
  • Grapple Slash removal
  • Heli-Logging
  • Lifting of logging equipment

We are supported by Nufarm NZ and Agpro NZ who provide us with expert knowledge on chemicals ensuring we apply the right chemicals for client applications.

All our aircraft are fitted with Tabula GPS tracking systems (Formally Tracpmap) which allows clients to accurately map spray blocks from home with the FarmVision online system. These maps are then shared with pilots, allowing accurate application of sprays and proof of placement.

Safety is paramount and our crew are appropriately trained and highly experienced, with frequent safety meetings and training sessions.

We offer various types of Water holding solutions, allowing us to position load sites central to spray blocks, providing cost savings for clients.



Our Branches
Website By Wasabi Digital
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